Undiagnosed dyslexia meant that I was something of a late starter. However, making up for lost time, I now have over 30 years’ experience as a senior executive having held various MD, President, CEO and Chairman roles in global finance, IT and e-publishing.

A great believer in the use of all the human ‘talents’, I was interviewed by the FT on the use of intuition in business and featured as an example of an inspiring holistic leader.

Piers Fallowfield-Cooper CEO Coach

Beginning my career in the financial markets in the City, rapid promotion took me to Chicago, learning about the futures and commodity markets. Later, after working with a major US bond house, I moved into general management with a focus on the development of global sales and marketing strategies working on projects in Europe, the Middle-East and Asia-Pacific – developing, in the process, a significant insight into geographical cultural differences. I then became President, and later Chairman, of the International Division of Oster Communications Inc. best known for its FutureSource real-time market data service and the Oster-Dow Jones News services. Responsible for expanding the business internationally, I was a key member and then leader of the team that increased the enterprise value of the business by a factor of 5 during an 11 year period, whilst also taking the company from bottom quartile to top quartile in areas of service reliability, customer satisfaction and client retention. Later, whilst Chairman of Itsmobile, a Dublin based company that became a leading player in the mobile payment arena, remarkably we managed to raise VC funding for a high tech start-up in the weeks following the dot-com fall-out. In 2003 I decided to follow what had by then become my real passion: the development of senior executive talent and I now work full-time as a business coach, mentor and facilitator specialising in leadership skills and the development of executives and their teams.

Over the last decade, I am privileged to have coached and mentored over 60 ‘C-suite’ executives from all over the world, worked with a dozen entrepreneurs and many ‘leaders of tomorrow’. With a Masters Degree in Coaching, a Certificate in Applied Neuroscience and my business experience, I find I am well equipped to deal with the many and varied client situations I encounter. Working with my client’s ‘personal mythology’, I seek to discover their unique strengths and internal compass to act as a guide and anchor for all the work that we subsequently do together. I am a passionate believer in the power of people.

I have a keen interest in travel, music and a life-long love of learning.

‘The thing I most value about Piers is the quality of the feedback he has on offer for you if you are brave enough to ask. He possesses phenomenal insight, and because he matches and blends that skill with the ability to communicate at a deeply personal level, his advice and counsel always gives a fresh angle and never bears even a hint of judgementalism.’

Gareth Chick – Chairman


Now that you have had a chance to discover more about me and how I bring value to my clients, I trust that some of what you have read has resonated with you. To explore how we might work together, or to arrange an informal meeting over a cup of coffee or a drink, please click here.